Works with insulation and PVC coating for internal and external pipes
Works with insulation and PVC coating for internal and external pipes
Insulation coatings and stainless steel sheets for valves, tanks
Import and export of all types of Industrial and Commercial supplies
Coating of pipes with insulation and stainless steel
Civil works, design and construction of real estate and sale of supplies
Removable in internal and external valves
Scaffolding: Rental, sale and installation and supply of trained personnel
Insulation coatings and stainless steel sheets for valves, tanks
Industrial and Commercial Thermal Insulation
Fiberglass coating and sheet for A/AC, among others
Ductwork: manufacture and installation Industrial and Commercial

Comanches Construction Inc. in the United States and now AIDEMSA in Mexico. (Industrial Insulators of Mexico S.A de C.V.)
We are a company located in Denver, Colorado with more than 22 years of experience in the Thermal Insulation market for Commercial and Industrial jobs. being proudly mexicans, our next objective is to establish ourselves in the city of Querétaro, and begin to cover the Industrial market in Sectors of Bajío and Guadalajara
Our mission is to help society with energy savings, always thinking about the environment
To be leaders in the installation of thermal insulation in the country.
“Not only do you save money, you will also give back to the environment”
Thermal insulators serve to insulate thermally (heat or cold), and prevent the loss of these by maintaining the desired temperatures and improving their energy efficiency.
They are mainly composed of: fiberglass, cellulose, paper, rock wool or mineral wool, cork, linen, sheep's wool, clay, perlite and vermiculite, coconut fiber, cotton, etc. In addition to this, we use aluminum, stainless steel and PVC rolls for the coating and sealing of the insulators to make their properties more efficient, protect them against rain, deterioration and for their aesthetic finish.
Works with insulation and PVC coating for internal and external pipes.
Insulation coatings and stainless steel sheets for valves, tanks.
Coating of pipes with insulation and stainless steel

Removable in internal and external valves
Insulation coatings and stainless steel sheets for valves, tanks
Fiberglass coating and sheet for A/AC, among others.

Plantas de Energía eléctrica; Excel Energy (Homóloga de CFE).
Mataderos: JBS Foods.
Empresa de Asfalto: Owens Corning.
Refinerías: Suncor Refinery Business Center.
Laboratorios: Amgen.
Hoteles: Marriot,
Desarrollo de Departamentos: Amberden Apts.
Empresas de Cerveza: Coors.
Empresas de Refrescos: Coca-Cola.
Productos Lácteos: Colorado Rancher’s (Homóloga de Cuadritos).
Negocios de Alimentos: Taco Bell, Burger King, Starbucks.
Supermercados: Target.

Nowadays, faced with such a competitive market and with the constant increase in prices, the way to stay in the market is by searching for savings and what better way to create them than with methods that in turn They will provide benefits for the environment, thermal insulation is essential to improve their energy efficiency and the main advantages are:
Blocking the entry of cold (and heat) from the outside.
Heat (or cold) leaks are prevented by increasing the efficiency of heating (or cooling) systems.
The “cold wall” effect in winter is eliminated.
Water condensation and damp stains, among others, disappear.

It all comes down to 2 benefits
Reduce energy consumption between 30 and 40%, therefore considerable economic savings.
Reduce environmental impact.